Last seen: 2025-02-19 16:40
In response to the question "Who is Jesus Christ?" in the Christian ex-Jehovah Witnesses Recovery group, on FaceBook, I answered: He is my Lord and my...
Voici une liste des réseaux sociaux auxquels je suis inscrits : Quora français; Quora anglais; Quora espagnol; Face...
Piper, Exalting Jesus So the Spirit Falls (Acts 10:36-48). If you want the Spirit's power in your life, make Jesus the center of your life: [...]The S...
John Piper, What God Has Cleansed Do Not Call Common (Acts 10:1-11:18). Mission Week. Cornelius would not have been saved if no one had taken him the ...
John Piper, Jesus Still Turns things Around (Acts 9:23-43). Jesus does not like pessimistic views of life or history. He has surprises in store that y...
John Piper, Jesus Is the Christ, the Son of God (Acts 9:19-22). The truth that Jesus is the Son of God needs to be one of the central pillars in our u...
John Piper, Overflowing Grace for All Who Believe (Acts 9:1-19 and 1 Timothy 1:12-16). The Conversion of the Chief of Sinners.
John Piper, The Leading of the Lord in Personal Evangelism (Acts 8:26-40). God has yet more wonders to show us in the work of evangelism and world mis...
John Piper, What Does It Mean to Receive the Holy Spirit? (Acts 8:14-17). Luke expects the receiving of the Holy Spirit to be a real, identifiable exp...
John Piper, Simon's Perversion of Signs and Wonders (Acts 8:9-24). There is a "faith" or a "believing" that does not save, even though it rises in th...
John Piper, Spreading Power Through Persecution (Acts 8:1-8). God makes persecution and suffering serve the unstoppable mission of the church.I would ...