Forum chrétien la Rencontre

Noble Member
Inscription: 2014-05-17 09:41
Last seen: 2025-02-19 16:40
Sujets: 329 / Réponse: 358
Re: The Power of the Articulated Gospel (Al Mohler)

Al Mohler, Will Your Gospel Transform a Terrorist? session IV of 2012: The Underestimaed Gospel seminar, from Together for the Gospel. Are you lacking...

Il y a 8 ans
Re: The Power of the Articulated Gospel (Al Mohler)

Al Mohler , Keving DeYoung, Mark Dever, Matt chandler, and Thabiti Anyabwhile, Contextualization: Lost in Translation? (Panel IV) panel IV, from the 2...

Il y a 8 ans
Re: The Power of the Articulated Gospel (Al Mohler)

Al Mohler , C. J. Mahaney, Ligon Duncan, and Mark Dever, Preaching: Is There a Plan B? panel II, from the 2012: The Underestimaed Gospel seminar, Toge...

Il y a 8 ans
RE: Relearning Koiné Greek After Not Using It For Several Years

I just came across Thor F. Carden, Introduction to Koiné Greek, Lesson Guide 1, and Introduction to Koiné Greek, Lesson Guide 2. Perusing it, I apprec...

Il y a 8 ans
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