Last seen: 2024-11-06 11:48
Please read chapter 13, «The Hen and Her Chicks», of Wayne Jacobsen's He Lives Me! Are you like the chick that runs under the hen for protection again...
How does reading chapter 12, Who Needed the Sacrifice, of Wayne Jacobsen's He Loves Me! help you come to grips with shame? As you do, please ponder th...
"At its root, sin is simply grabbing for ourselves what God has not given to us. In this realm, our best intentions can draw us into as much bondage a...
I'd now like to come back to this discussion thread's opening post (OP), by first of all quoting it: Please listen with me to John Piper's sermon God...
Consider this extract from Piper's notes for God Is Most Glorified in Us When We Are Most Satisfied in Him from That’s the biblical b...
How would you respond to John Piper's quoting C.S. Lewis in the following terms: "I think we delight to praise what we enjoy because the praise not me...
John Piper says: "Christian Hedonism says, God is most glorified in you when you are most satisfied in him. That’s the shortest summary of what we mea...
I found additional resources to help discussing John Piper's teaching on what he calls Christian Hedonism. Feel free to comment these resources and to...
Does your faith in Christ bring joy to your everyday life? If so please share your thoughts and experience. If not, what would you need to add to your...
How would you respond to John Piper's statement about what is hell: "Christian Hedonism changes how we think of hell. Since the way to be saved and go...
How would you respond to Piper's handling of Philippians 1:12-26 (ESV) as a basis of Christian Hedonism?Please refer to John Piper's sermon God Is Mos...
"At its root, sin is simply grabbing for ourselves what God has not given to us. In this realm, our best intentions can draw us into as much bondage a...
As you keep on reading and meditating 1 John 4:-7-21 (ESV) over a number of days, why not "ask [God] to help you discover how much he loves you and, i...