How would you respond to the following statement (Wayne Jacobsen, He Loves Me!, 2007, p. 170)?
What lays behind your being disappointed with other people? Could it be that part of the problem lay in your own expectations of them ? How could your own expectations perhaps be part of the problem? What can you do about it?
The above quote is from chapter 21, «In Exactly the Same Way», of Wayne Jacobsen's, He Loves me!, Second edition, 2007. Remember that the first edition, 2000, of He loves me! (pdf), is offered free of charge by its author at,
How would you respond to the following statement (Wayne Jacobsen, He Loves Me!, 2007, p. 170)?
Are you driven by a form of Christianity that lacks compassion to those who are in pain? How does your reading of Jacobsen's book in general and chapter 10 in particular help you answer this question for yourself? How does Jacobsen deal with this sort of problem?
The above quote is from chapter 21, «In Exactly the Same Way», of Wayne Jacobsen's, He Loves me!, Second edition, 2007. Remember that the first edition, 2000, of He loves me! (pdf), is offered free of charge by its author at,
Please read carefully the last few chapters of He loves me!, preferably in its second edition (2007), which seems to have an extra chapter (23, «Living Loved»), and whether from first or second edition of book, try to answer the following questions for yourself:
The above questions are inspired from chapter 22, «The Prayer God Always Answers» and chapter 23, «Living Loved», of Wayne Jacobsen's, He Loves me!, Second edition, 2007. Remember that the first edition, 2000, of He loves me! (pdf), is offered free of charge by its author at,