In If You Don’t Pray, You Won’t Live. John Piper provides practical suggestions about praying that stem out from his life and from his reading of the Bible. Suggestion number 1: set aside a time and a place each day and don't leave it to chance. Suggestion number 2: combine your praying with reading the Bible; take what you read in the Bible and turn it in prayer. Suggestion number 3: pray in concentric circles, for example, your own spiritual needs, those of your family, those of the people you work with, those of your church, those of the world around you; God being in the centre of each of these circles; that God's will be done in every circle I pray for. John Piper then provides examples of traps that keep some of us Christians away from prayer.
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Knowing and Believing – the Encounter
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Posté : 2018-11-21 09:42