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The Power of the Articulated Gospel (Al Mohler)

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Al Mohler, The Power of the Articulated Gospel, session II of 2012: The Underestimaed Gospel seminar, from Together for the Gospel. Summary: "The only way for the message of the gospel to be understood and believed is if it is articulated. In Romans 10, Paul teaches that the word that leads to faith has been brought near. This gospel word is powerful enough that all people everywhere can hear and believe the truth. Articulating the gospel is essentially and centrally verbal for people to become Christ followers."

How important do you feel it is to be explicit in speaking-out the message of the Gospel for people to be saved? What aspects of your own personal practice would you care to share in order to help those of us finding it difficult to apply in our day to day life?

Posté : 2016-12-23 14:31
Posts: 687
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Al Mohler , C. J. Mahaney, Ligon Duncan, and Mark Dever, Preaching: Is There a Plan B? panel II, from the 2012: The Underestimaed Gospel seminar, Together for the Gospel. God always creates, calls and reveals by his Word. In this day and age, preachers have lost confidence in the ways in which God uses the Bible. This panel discusses the centrality the proclamation of God’s word has to worship the living and true God. A pastor who has a lack of confidence in the Word will often have a lack of confidence in preaching.

This discussion panel builds upon the theme developed in the opening post. Feel free to enrich this thread with further insight.

Posté : 2016-12-26 07:09
Posts: 687
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Al Mohler , Keving DeYoung, Mark Dever, Matt chandler, and Thabiti Anyabwhile, Contextualization: Lost in Translation? (Panel IV) panel IV, from the 2012: The Underestimated Gospel seminar, Together for the Gospel. How does one properly relate the Bible to our modern culture? At some level, we have to know the culture in which we live. However, a goal for the Christian is to seek to remove any ground of offense without disregarding the gospel. We must faithfully share the gospel and be careful not to make our culture’s methods and means the standard.

Please, feel free to provide feedback to this thread through the angle of this discussion about what is here called "contextualization."

Posté : 2016-12-26 08:00
Posts: 687
Noble Member Admin
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Al Mohler, Will Your Gospel Transform a Terrorist? session IV of 2012: The Underestimaed Gospel seminar, from Together for the Gospel. Are you lacking confidence in the gospel? An examination of Paul’s life shows the powerful transformation the gospel can bear on a person’s life. Paul’s life displayed the confident celebration of the truth of Jesus’ work accomplished and applied through his great change and the cause for which he gave his life. This same cause, change and celebration can be true of anyone confident in the gospel.

Please feel free to comment this extension of the general theme opened up in this thread's very first post.

Posté : 2016-12-26 10:01