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Knowing and Believing – the Encounter
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Are you trapped into a pattern of thinking or living from which you lost all hope of ever getting out? The following four half-hour presentations by Dr Neil Anderson might provide a way out for you that perhaps you might want to consider praying about:
- Dr. Neil Anderson - Breaking Sexual Bondages - Pt 1;
- Dr. Neil Anderson - Breaking Sexual Bondages - Pt 2;
- Dr. Neil T. Anderson - Finding Freedom in Christ - Pt 1;
- Dr. Neil T. Anderson - Finding Freedom in Christ - Pt 2.
Whatever we do for God ought to be done from a posture of faith in Christ, involving confession and repentance, rooted in our understanding of who we are in Him: forgiven sinners having been made eternal heirs of the King of Kings! No matter what are the areas of our Christian walk that we are struggling with, the principles are exactly the same as those summarized in the above.
Sources :
- The introductory paragraph and links towards these presentations are from Savoir et croire's Doing but How? page.
- The video presentations themselves are from the 100 Huntly Street Web Site.
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Posté : 2016-07-20 05:56