Doing, but How?
May 27, 2014
Obeying God through the Spirit as a result of faith in Christ...
This theme is touched on in section 5.2.3, Mon rapport à la foi, p. 103-107, of my essay Récit et interprétation d'un parcours éducatif (pdf, 192 p.). The above mentioned section about my relationship to faith, should be read while taking into account the anthropological posture (p. 42) that circumscribes the theoretical and methodological framework of interpretation (p. 32-59) of this master's degree thesis dealing with distance learning accompaniment in a naturalistic cultural environment.
For a more direct treatment of the issues raised by the question "Doing but how?" my essay Comment donc comprendre la Bible aujourd'hui ? (pdf, 139 p.) should be consulted, reading all of chapter 5, Bible et spiritualité chrétienne, p. 96-116, being attentive to section 5.3, Obstacles à la spiritualité chrétienne, p. 101-110.
If what we are doing seems more like an obligation than it does the natural fruit of who we are in Christ, we should reconsider our understanding. The Bible study notes, En Christ, nous sommes libres ! Le sommes-nous ? (pdf), and its accompanying study guide, Application, synthèse et questions (pdf), invite us to consider whatever we are doing for Christ as a result of the freedom we have in Him. Does not Jesus Himself indeed say to believers: "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free" (John 8:31b-32, NIV, 2011).
What follows is only included in the English version of From a Christian perspective, prayer precedes action. For examples of prayer or prayer based action, see (Videos -> Interviews -> Search Videos):
Praying Big 1/3, Will Davis Jr., April 30, 2009;
Praying Big 2/3, Will Davis Jr., April 30, 2009;
Praying Big 3/3, Will Davis Jr., April 30, 2009.
Don't Give Up on Your Kids, Lorie Hartshorn, July 18, 2013.
Prayer and prayer based action that are truly Christian must go beyond the superficiality of do's and don'ts. It must be based on a deep understanding of what it is to live in a faith-based relationship with God. Such a relationship requires more than some sort of superficial understanding of isolated Bible verses considered outside of the context of what the Word of God as a whole has to say about the whats hows and whys of living in a certain way and not in another.
This is particularly true of everything that has to do with the type of relationships that lead to sexual intimacy and the formation of a family. The following web sites contain material that should be read and listened to prayerfully. They provide an understanding rooted in the nature of God and of his relationship with us, and help us to grasp foundational concepts leading to the views that marriage should be between one man and one woman. They also help understand why sex should not precede the covenant of marriage, and how important it is to stay away from any thinking or behaviour patterns that can endanger the sacred relationship that only spouses can have with one another in the God-ordained scheme of things:
Access, and read everything as needed under:
top menu -> marriage; top menu -> life challenges; top menu -> social issues. -
Access, listen to the introduction, and read or listen to all material dealing with your particular concerns. Remember: with regards to our freedom to live as a Christian, our God is all powerful in delivering us from any form of bondage or slavery to sin and to any destructive behaviour.
The next group of videos focuses on what sexuality is all about from a Christian perspective, and key aspects of living the freedom that comes with who we are as daughters and sons of the King of the universe. A number of specific areas of sexual brokenness are also explored through the testimonies of persons who have experienced sexual restoration through a new or renewed walk of faith in Christ.
Much of what is mentioned in these video interviews or presentations is also applicable to other forms of difficulties believers sometimes struggle with.
These are
available from
or from
top menu -> Pure Passion TV -> Godly Sexuality;
top menu -> Pure Passion TV -> Adultery;
top menu -> Pure Passion TV -> Pornography / Sex Addiction - Male;
top menu -> Pure Passion TV -> Pornography / Sex Addiction - Female;
top menu -> Pure Passion TV -> Homosexuality, Culture and Science;
top menu -> Pure Passion TV -> Homosexuality and the family;
top menu -> Pure Passion TV -> Homosexuality / Female (Lesbianism);
top menu -> Pure Passion TV -> Homosexuality / male;
top menu -> Pure Passion TV -> Transgender Disorders;
top menu -> Pure Passion TV -> Deliverance and Freedom:
Christopher West - Theology of the Body - Pt 1;
- Christopher West - Theology of the Body - Pt 2;
Ruth Graham - Broken Hearts (adultery and abuse in her first two marriages);
Kay Arthur - Pt 1 - Her Story of Sexual Sin & Freedom in Christ;
Kay Arthur - Pt 2 - The Truth About Sex According to God;
Russel, Willingham, The Foundations of Sex Addiction;
Dr. Stephen Arterburn - Every Man's Battle - Pornography;
John Glisson - Freedom from Porn Through Intimacy with God;
Bob & Heidi Elder - Sex Addiction, Adultery;
Jen Howver & Megan Hutchinson - The Power of Secrets;
Bob Stith - A Pastoral View of Homosexuality;
Christie May Pt 1 - The Progression of Lesbian Confusion;
Christie May Pt 2 - The Progression of Lesbian Confusion;
Christine Sneeringer - Freedom from Lesbianism;
Sy Rogers - Transgendered Disorders;
Daniel Delgado Pt 1 - Transgender Transformation;
Daniel Delgado Pt 2 - Transgender Transformation;
Mario Bergner - Homosexualities;
Peter Horrobin - The Truth Will Set You Free;
Dr. Warren Throckmorton - Homosexuality: Science or Politics?
(for a secular perspective on the same general area of research,
visit the National Association for Research & Therapy of Homosexuality Web site, and the Voices of change Web site, for results attained through secular therapy); -
Charlene Cothran - From Lesbian Activist to Freedom in Christ;
Dr. Neil Anderson - Breaking Sexual Bondages - Pt 1;
Dr. Neil Anderson - Breaking Sexual Bondages - Pt 2;
Dr. Neil T. Anderson - Finding Freedom in Christ - Pt 1;
Dr. Neil T. Anderson - Finding Freedom in Christ - Pt 2.
Hence, whatever we do for God ought to be done from a posture of faith in Christ, involving confession and repentance, rooted in our understanding of who we are in Him: forgiven sinners having been made eternal heirs of the King of Kings!
No matter what are the areas of our Christian walk that we are struggling with, the principles are exactly the same as those just summarized and encountered in the videos presented above.
The following books by Dr. Neil T. Anderson may prove themselves helpful to Christians determined in resolving personal and spiritual conflicts in their lives:
Liberating Prayer - Finding Freedom by Connecting with God, Harvest House Publishers, 2003, 2012;
Victory over the Darkness - Realizing the Power of your Identity in Christ, Regal Books, 1990, 2000;
The Bondage Breaker - Overcoming Negative Thoughts, Irrational Feelings, Habitual Sins, Harvest House Publishers, 1990, 1993, 2000;
Winning the Battle Within - Realistic Steps to Overcoming Sexual Strongholds, Harvest House Publisehrs, 2004, 2008.
Dr. Neil T. Anderson has also coauthored a number of books dealing with specific areas of difficulties Christians are sometimes struggling with. For example :
Neil T. Anderson and Dave Park,
Overcoming Negative Self-Image,
Regal Books, 2003; -
Neil T. Anderson and Joanne Anderson,
Overcoming Depression,
Regal Books, 2004; -
Neil T. Anderson and Rich Miller,
Freedom from Fear - Overcoming Worry and Anxiety,
Harvest House Publishers, 1990, 1993, 2000.
All books authored or coauthored by Dr. Neil T. Anderson invite believers to renew their understanding of who they really are, and to trust God for living as pleases Him. There lies the key to happiness... through the freedom acquired for us, by Christ, when He died, so that we could, and would, live through Him.