Christian Faith
April 14, 2014
The theological perspective of what it means to adhere to the Christian Faith, or the divine perspective as opposed to the human or anthropological dimension, mentioned in the preceding section of this site was only touched upon in the biblical message titled, Croire, savoir, confiance et foi chrétienne (pdf - available only in French).
As in the sections of my master's degree thesis where my relationship to faith and truth is mentioned, the above mentioned biblical presentation does not deal with the specific contents that connect faith to the objective reality to which it responds. This gap is now filled with Habakuk - la foi au Maître de l'univers (pdf - French only).
The following external links are exclusively presented to the English version of They are selected because of their contribution in shedding light on key aspects of the Christian faith that are sometimes misunderstood.
From http://100 Huntley Street (Videos -> Interviews -> Search Videos) :
Can God Be Trusted? 1/2, John Stackhouse, April 1, 2010;
Can God Be Trusted? 2/2, John Stackhouse, April 1, 2010;
Grace is not earned. It's offered, Andy Stanley, August 18, 2011;
Ten Things Jesus Never Said, Will Davis, January 17, 2012;
God I've Got a Question, Dr. James Merritt, September 30, 2011.
From Josh McDowell A CRU Ministry
(Videos -> Why Did Jesus Have to Die?),
a series of short videos, with accompanying PDF and PowerPoint.
(Just Thinking -> Search -> Is Faith Delusional?),
a series of five audio files :
Is Faith Delusional? Part 1 of 5, Ravi Zacharias, March 17, 2014;
Is Faith Delusional? Part 2 of 5, Ravi Zacharias, March 18, 2014;
Is Faith Delusional? Part 3 of 5, Ravi Zacharias, March 19, 2014;
Is Faith Delusional? Part 4 of 5, Ravi Zacharias, March 20, 2014;
Is Faith Delusional? Part 5 of 5, Ravi Zacharias, March 21, 2014.
Again from 100 Huntly Stree (Videos -> Interviews -> Search Videos) :
The Unshakable Truth That Josh McDowell Believes - 1/2, August 9, 2010;
The Unshakable Truth That Josh McDowell Believes - 2/2, August 9, 2010;
Josh McDowell: Truth Is Absolute Not Subjective - 1/10, August 16, 2010;
Josh McDowell: Defining Truth - 2/10, August 16, 2010;
It Isn't an Intellectual Problem, It's A Morality Problem - 3/10, August 16, 2010;
Josh McDowell: Having Hope In Our Heavenly Father - 4/10, August 17, 2010;
Josh McDowell: The Theology Of Forgiveness - 5/10, August 18, 2010;
Josh McDowell: Resurrection - 6/10, August 18, 2010;
Who Is The Holy Spirit And Why Is He Important? - 7/10, August 19, 2010;
Josh McDowell: Growth and Avoiding Troubles In Ministry - 8/10, August 19, 2010;
Josh McDowell: What Jesus Claimed - 9/10, August 20, 2010;
Josh McDowell: Helping Those In Russia In Ministry - 10/10, August 20, 2010;
Short Specific presentations of key aspects of the Christian Faith from Josh McDowell at 100 Huntley Street (Videos -> Web Exclusives -> Search Videos) :
God Exists - Josh McDowell - Truth To Go, August 4, 2010;
Evidence For The Reliability Of God - Josh McDowell - Truth To Go, Aug 5, 2010;
The Sin Problem - Josh McDowell - Truth To Go, August 6, 2010;
The Incarnation - Josh McDowell - Truth To Go, August 9, 2010;
The Holiness Of God - Josh McDowell - Truth To Go, August 11, 2010;
Saved By Faith? - Josh McDowell - Truth To Go, August 11, 2010;
Why In The World Are We Here? - Josh McDowell - Truth To Go, August 13, 2010;
The Resurrection Of Jesus - Josh McDowell - Truth To Go, August 30, 2010;
The Trinity - Josh McDowell - Truth To Go, August 31, 2010;
God's Kingdom - Josh McDowell - Truth To Go, September 1, 2010;
The Church - Josh McDowell - Truth To Go, September 1, 2010.