How do we Learn?
May 21, 2014
Section Comment apprend-on ? of, presents an essay written in an attempt to better understand how in fact we do learn. This article has for title, Apprendre : de l’abécédaire à la redéfinition de soi ! (pdf, 28 p.), which in translation would basically mean, Learning: from ABCs to redefining oneself. I attempted to come to a general understanding of theories used as foundation in teaching methodologies, and as reference in instructional or educational design. This essay can also be accessed on DistanceS, Téluq, fall 2007, volume 9, number 1.
The remaining text of this page has not been translated yet. As of November 4, 2013, it can be consulted in French, Comment apprend-on ?. To view a detailed status of translation to English of this site's web pages, please visit Reviewing.
What follows is exclusively proposed in the English language version of this Web site, mostly because it is dependent on outside sources that are not available in French.
Being made aware of David Kolb's experiential learning, as it is presented at, may help us in understanding that the learning styles with which we are most comfortable may influence the way in which each of us most naturally approaches studying the Bible, as exemplified in the following video interviews from (Videos -> Interviews -> Search Videos):
Studying the Bible 1/2, interview with Chuck Missler, April 29, 2009;
Studying the Bible 2/2, interview with Chuck Missler, April 29, 2009;
Connecting with the Bible 1/2, Margaret Feinberg, December 18, 2009;
Connecting with the Bible 2/2, Margaret Feinberg, December 18, 2009;
Is Christianity Enlightenment, Experience or Both?, Dr. Ravi Zacharias, May 2010.