Unless otherwise mentioned at the bottom of a specific page or article, the translations proposed on this site have been produced through standard human translation mechanisms based on printed or online reference work. This was the only methodology used from May 2013 to January 23, 2017, inclusively.
However, since January 24, 2018, I began using OmegaT, a translation memory software that can integrate automatic memory translation services from Apertium, MyMemory, Google Translate, Microsoft Translator and Yandex Translate.
Whenever one or more of these Automatic Translation services or tools are used, they will be identified toward the bottom of the specific pages or articles they were applied to.
For examples of this, you may consult Metodología de traducción, Spanish version of the present page, or the articles from the serie Análisis Teológico: Cómo evaluar expresiones teológicas; Desmitificar los origines de los cristianos evangélicos; Teología y fe: amigos o enemigos; Comprender la cultura y responder con la Palabra de Dios (la Biblia) .
You may communicate with me through the indications under Questions or Comments.
Author : Daniel Garneau, B Th, B Com, MA
Published in French, English and Spanish: January 29, 2018.