Learning to be or to do is a skill that can be learned, and a commitment that requires determination, planning, and work. This section of Savoir et croire .ca (knowing and believing) explores the question of how we do in fact learn, and provides examples in the areas of technical learning, language acquisition, and self-development through art such as painting, or yet through the sharing of one’s story or of autobiographical writing.

being no hearer who forgets but a doer who acts,
he will be blessed in his doing. (James 1:25, ESV)
Please note that much of what is said here or anywhere else about learning through the writing or reading of autobiographies, or the sharing of one’s own life story, can also be applied to the sharing of one’s own Christian testimony – either verbally or in writing. This is why the above articles are available through the following menu structure:
Bear in mind that many of the principles developed here are also applicable to the learning that is required when one decides to change the course of his life – aligning it to what Christ asks of His followers, and apart from which there cannot be true happiness. Such concerns are addressed more specifically in the following two articles:
You wish to get involved and discuss life-related subject matters, please join our trilingual (French, English, Spanish) Forum: Knowing and Believing – the Encounter.
Author: Daniel Garneau, B Th, B Com, MA.
Edited: May 2016; April 2017; November 2017; January and July 2018; April 2021.