The Foundations of a Prayer for Reconstruction from Nehemiah 1:1–2:8

This article proposes five foundations of a prayer for reconstruction based on Nehemiah 1:1 to 2:8 upon which we can base our own prayers to reconstruct whatever needs to be reconstructed in our own lives or ministries.

It is currently available only in its original French version, Les fondements d’une prière pour la reconstruction tirées de Néhémie 1.1 à 2.8.

Author: Daniel Garneau

Daniel Garneau, B Th, B Com, MA, is the founder of the site Savoir et croire .ca. His primary objectives are: encouraging Christians who lost hope in their capacity of living for Christ; fostering a better understanding of what Christianity is about; contributing to the dispelling of prejudices against those who openly identify themselves to Jesus Christ in their daily lives and who dare talk about it; helping to increase the mutual acceptance between various Christian traditions who continue to hold faithfully to the Word of God.