The anthropological dimension of faith – or human perspective – may be associated with the natural trust on the basis of which we operate in life. This theme was explored for the benefits of the member of my faith community in a biblical message titled : Croire, savoir, confiance et foi chrétienne (pdf).

which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven,
will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?
Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’
or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ (Matthew 6.30-31, ESV)
This presentation is an extension of the questions raised about our attitude toward learning, knowing, believing, and doing developed in my master’s degree on accompanying distance learning students Récit et interprétation d’un parcours éducatif à la Téluq : sens et attitude épistémique, préconditions pour l’accompagnement en formation à distance (pdf, 192 pages).
You wish to get involved and discuss about life-related subject matters, feel free to join our trilingual Community of dialog about the Christian Faith (French, English, Spanish).
Daniel Garneau, B Th, B Com, MA.
May 11, 2016; January 5, 2018; July 31, 2018.