This article provides advice to those who meet Christ through the Web, and are wondering how they might proceed in order to grow in their new-found Christian faith. Here is some of the most basic advice to be heeded, in a nutshell. First, ask God to help you understand as you read the Bible. Second, make sure you take into account the context of the Biblical passages that you read or that other quotes to you. Third, Consider what God says in His Word to be more important than what others say about it. Fourth, Find believers to gather with, and a church that teaches the Word of God.

looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith,
who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame,
and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. (Hebrews 12.1b-2, ESV)
Full text of article available under: Réponse à Hervey Cyrille du Bénin (French).
Other articles that might be helpful for meeting the same needs as this article does:
- In whom do we Believe?
- Listening to the Bible, Why Not?
- Choosing a Local Church;
- Primary and Secondary Convictions?
- Denominational Preferences.
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Summary created: August 28, 2017.
Updated: January 11, 2018; July 23, 2018.
Research keywords: Advice to those who meet Christ through the Web; Advice to new believers; Advice to new Christians; Help for starting the Christian life.